Izzy Hicks is a student in the Allied Health program at the Eastern Center for Arts and Technology (EASTERN) and a senior at Hatboro-Horsham High School. In honor of EASTERN's Entrepreneurship Month this January, Izzy has been selected as the inaugural student spotlight by her Allied Health instructor, Mrs. Allison Latzo. She was nominated for her exceptional academic performance, leadership in the classroom, and initiative in taking an EMS course on her own time to enhance her skills and education.
Izzy first learned about EASTERN in tenth grade and toured the programs, initially without considering Allied Health. It wasn’t until later in her sophomore year and into her junior year that her interest in the medical field began to grow. Her Anatomy and Physiology class in 11th grade at Hatboro-Horsham High School quickly became her favorite, solidifying her realization that she had just discovered her future career path.
Izzy’s Anatomy and Physiology teacher at Hatboro-Horsham, who was also a paramedic, frequently shared his experiences and introduced her to the field of emergency medicine. A fellow student in the class had already begun an EMS course, which made Izzy realize that taking such a class while still in high school was possible. Inspired, she began researching and found a program that started last August at Bucks County Community College. Since then, she has been attending classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights, with additional sessions on some Saturdays and Wednesdays for specialized training. She is set to graduate later this month. Her next step is to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) Exam, which assesses the skills and knowledge of EMS practitioners through both practical and written components.
"Taking my EMS classes and Allied Health at the same time was time-consuming but absolutely worth it," said Izzy. "Right now, in Allied Health, we’re learning CPR, and I’m already CPR certified through my EMS classes. I really enjoy learning from various professionals because it gives me new perspectives on different skills. The course content of both programs coordinated nicely.”
"She is an exceptional individual and incredibly bright," said Mrs. Latzo. "Izzy is hardworking and fully committed to a career in the healthcare industry. She sets a strong example for her peers in the classroom. Additionally, Izzy serves as the student representative on the Allied Health Occupational Advisory Committee and will be competing in the EMS competition for SkillsUSA, EASTERN’s student leadership organization."
Izzy plans to work in the field this summer and throughout college. "I want to keep my skills fresh," said Izzy. "Being an EMT will be a great job while working my way through school." She will be attending the University of Pittsburgh as a Pre-Med track student. Her current goal is to become a surgeon, and she is considering specializing in cardiothoracic surgery.