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Design, Photography, and Illustration OAC

Design, Photography, and Illustration OAC Members


Member's Name



Member's Company



Business Area Represented


Beth Brodovsky (Chair)

Iris Creative Group

Graphic Design

Katrina Clowers-Taylor 

Dirty Laundry

Former Student Representative

Caitlyn Flaherty

Delaware County Community College

Supervisor, Arts Administration

John Moore JohnMoore Design Graphic Design

Macy Zhelyazkova

Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia

Commercial Illustration

Lexie Kust   Student Representative
Julia Wysocki   Student Representative


Design, Photography, and Illustration Ex Officio Members

Member's Name


Member's Company



Business Area Represented


Nicole Abruzzi (Secretary) 



Trisha Simmler-Totaro


Instructional Aide

Joseph Greb


Assistant Director