What does the EAC do?
The Executive Advisory Committee meets three times a year. These meetings occur in November, March, and June and are scheduled to coincide with crucial points in the annual governance cycle at EASTERN. The EAC performs its work for EASTERN chiefly through these three annual meetings and through the work of the following subcommittees (the chairs are members of the EAC; subcommittee may be EAC members or not):
Membership/Program Planning and Review Subcommittees: The chief role of this subcommittee is to guide and participate in the formal strategic cycle of review of all 16 occupational programs at EASTERN, reviews that are intended to insure that programs continue to train students for study and work beyond EASTERN that meet the needs of EASTERN’s community.
This subcommittee keeps the agenda for the EAC and recruits new members both for the EAC itself and for the subcommittees. It conducts orientation sessions for new OAC members and maintains an OAC handbook designed to assist OAC members to carry out their duties.
Partnership and Perception Subcommittee: This subcommittee fulfills both a marketing role, working to insure that relevant information about EASTERN’s programs effectively reaches potential students and all those adults who can influence students’ educational choices, and a role in linking EASTERN to businesses in the community in a broad variety of ways that enable those businesses to support education at EASTERN.
In addition to the work of the Membership/Program Planning and Review Subcommittees, EAC oversight of the 16 OACs occurs chiefly through meetings of the chairs of the OACs. These meetings occur twice yearly and are led by the chair of the EAC. OAC chairs prepare annual plans of work that are submitted at a fall meeting and annual reports of execution of those plans that are submitted at a meeting in June and then conveyed to the full EAC to reflect the level of effectiveness of the OACs during the year.