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EAC Member Responsibilities

A member of the Executive Advisory Committee performs the following roles in support of the governance and policy making process at EASTERN:

  • Participates in the three annual committee meetings, reviewing documentation prepared for the meeting and offering advice and insight on the issues placed on the agenda, as well as voting on EAC decisions;
  • Brings to the attention of the chair of the EAC and/or the chair of the Membership/Program Planning and Review Subcommittees acting as the keeper of the agenda, or to the attention of the full committee, such questions, issues and proposals as the member thinks will contribute to the health of the school and its governance;
  • Serves as chair or member of one or more subcommittees at the mutual discretion of the member and the chair of the EAC.

Members of the EAC are experienced leaders in their organizations within the community served by EASTERN. They are asked to bring to their roles understanding of both the occupational environment within that community as it shapes the needs for new high school graduates with specific knowledge and skills, and of the factors that contribute to successful leadership, governance, and policy-oriented decision making in human resource organizations. As a strategically oriented body, the EAC seeks members who can bring experience with and a commitment to strategic planning in their business and community work.